BC-11C  Toilet Cleaner Convenient

  • BC-11C  Toilet Cleaner Convenient
BC-11C Toilet Cleaner Convenient
Unit Package: 12*1000ml
Product Code: HK7004
Dosage: Neat
  • Introduction

Product introduction:

This product has a certain viscostily,can easily hanging on the wall of bowls and urinals .And kind geniality,not to hurt the porcelain surface.It especially suitable for high-grade hotels,restaurants,etc.

Use instructions:

1. Flush the toilet bowl.

2. Spray the product along the bottom of the inner edge of the basin to allow the detergent to flow to the bottom of the basin.

3. Use a toilet brush to scrub the inner surface of the basin, especially the bottom outlet of the basin.

4. Flush the toilet bowl and toilet brush.

Note: Hydrochloric acid may discolor some metal filters in the urine tank.
Do not use on sinks, bathtubs or other porcelain enamel surfaces.
